Friday 15 July 2005

On hols

Tomorrow a friend turns 40 and a group of us is going to celebrate (mourn) in Italy for the next week, back on Friday the 22nd. Not taking a computer with me, for a change, so I'll have much to catch up on when I return.

I hope, hope, hope to have good news during my holiday that Rove has been fed to the wolves and there is nothing left but a shoe and cell phone, but based on some of the reports I've been reading the past couple of days it seems there may be something much, much bigger bubbling up, something that may take the entire administration down. In which case, there may be no progress at all on the Rove matter.

Keep an eye on this David Kay story I've read about. But ask yourself, who's Judith Miller's source - it's not Rove, so who could it be? (Cheney, Tenet, Kay?) And one more thing, why the hell is there not a HUGE backlash against Corncob Novak? He did nothing illegal (from what I understand), but he IS the one that exposed Plame to the world - he should burn in hell. If Rove goes down, this would be the second time that Rove bit it over a situation with Novak (Rove was fired from George senior's campaign over leaking a story to Novak - seems father has more scruples than son, not many more, but a few, enough to know Rove is the devil incarnate). How can Novak keep getting away scott free?

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