Thursday 9 March 2006

Corruption Cronyism


How Proud Bush Must Feel for Iraq!

Freedom is on the march! (and this article too) What a fucking dork, and all those that support him are morons! Anyone that thinks attacking Iraq was a good thing is intelligently challenged (to put it politely).

Texas is STUPID!

For fuck's sake, Texas, how stupid are you by voting for an indicted Congressman? Fucking-hell! Texas, you are a state like none other - dumber than the people you elect. The US should have let that stupid fucking state seceed from the union when it tried.

What is Considered Excessive Wealth?

Isn't a billion excessive? What the fuck? Who's backs are these billions being made off of? What about income distribution in the world?? Fucking-hell!

Oh Good Gawd!

Isn't enough enough? The US government is a fascist, dictatorship that tortures people the world over, and only now doctors are beginning to condemn the US' treatment of people it ILLEGALLY holds in its possession. What is the world coming to that it is so slow to react to the bullying US, and yet it seems so focused on Iran's nuclearn ambitions, which are 10 years off by the way??