Saturday 28 October 2006

Rant and de-stress

I'm going to make a great old grumpy man some day, assuming I have to live that long.

I take public transportation to work every day. Sometimes it's the underground, sometimes overland train (or both). From time to time I even take the bus. There are some things that annoy me immensely about my fellow passengers.

The first has to be people listening to MP3 players so loudly that I can hear their music. Now I have my own MP3 player and two things stop others from hearing what I'm listening to. First, I am courteous when it comes to listening and don't select volumes that are outrageous. The other thing I think that affects this is that I have a quality set of earphones. Sometimes I hear others ' music so loudly I wonder to myself if they've inserted them into their ears backwards and the sound piece is pointing outward. Most often it's kids in their teens, so I wouldn't put it past them to be using them improperly. Hell, so often I see kids with stockings on their heads, shorts around their knees, shoes untied I think to myself, how did their parents fuck up so badly when teaching them basic things like which items of clothing go on which body parts and in which way. But I digress.

Another thing I see all too often on public transport is women applying makeup, especially annoying when the carriages are full. Hell, maybe I should bring a bucket and sponge and shower on the underground to save time in the morning. Or I could whip out my finger nail clipper and clip away. Maybe I could bring my electric razor along and shave. Why the fuck do they think it's okay to apply their daily face caking material in front of me? Right next to me?! I don't want to see someone getting ready for their day next to me, and I don't want to smell that crap they put on their faces - it's disgusting, and rude. Hey, bitches, don't leave the house until you're completely ready, or don't leave at all.

While I'm having a go at women, let me say that just because you leave your pastry in the bag you bought it in and pick a tiny piece out each time you bite doesn't mean you're not consuming calories. It's like the fact it's hidden from view they think it means there are no calories. Watch next time you're in public. You're bound to hear some woman rattling her paper bag, stuffing her face with little bites that she pulls from inside the bag, one annoying bag russling after another. Honey, I've got news - those thighs don't lie, that's a jelly donut in that bag and you're annoying the fuck out of everyone by making all that noise with that bag each time you want to stuff a bite in that fucking gullet of yours.

Back to kids. Those little fuckers that are now listening to their mobile phones as if they were portable boom boxes should be thrown off the train or bus, put in front of it and run over. Do kids today have no manners? And those fucking rubblecans are so against planned parenthood.

What's your biggest annoyance?

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