Monday 15 August 2005


I know I have a lot to catch up on - I haven't been ignoring the news at all, just watching silently on the side. Also, I've been reading novels like a madman - I've read all the Harry Potter books (including the latest)! And just so you don't think I'm a total dork, I'm now reading The Da Vinci Code, just to throw in a bit of spice last weekend I read Michael Moore's, Dude, Where's My Country? I think Michael Moore is amazing - his patience at trying to deal with those idiots that vote Bush is something to be admired (in addition to his knowledge and position on the issues). I myself would rather call them a bunch of stupid ass fuckwits - keeps me warm at night.

A few news items I've been following:

- "Roberts, he's not gay-friendly, he's the conservative, bastard, monster you thought he was," said the neo-cons recently. Yes, he did some pro-bono work on the Romer v Evans, but the right wing has had to reassure their base he's not gay friendly at all! What the fuck is that about?

- Cindy Sheehan. How can that dork, Twig, drive by a woman who's son died in that war brought on by profit induced lies without granting her 5 minutes? Twig, you're a bastard; you KILLED her son! On top of that there are those stupid bitches who have the audacity to speak for Cindy's son. Oh my fucking gawd. Michelle Malkin, you're stupid bitch! It's women like Michelle that challenge my ideals to the core and I have to really ask myself, "why did we give women the right to vote?"(wry grin)

- Americans and vacations. What is it about the middle states that they keep voting to keep themselves down? Why do they continue to vote against their own best interests? I don't get it. The hypocrisy (re: in this case, yearly holiday pay) of this administration is incredible. Utterly amazing. Must be all the MTBEs and mercury and all that other crap they're letting into the water supply.

- Rove. Why isn't that bastard fired and in jail yet sharing a cell with Delay??

- Speaking of Delay, read the story about Jack Abramoff and the fraud charges with the casino boat?

And for my pet story, the Liberal Democrat leader in Europe has called for legalisation of drugs. Story here.

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